Tanya Ward


Tanya Ward is an Engagement and Social Media marketing professional, with more than 15 years in grassroots and traditional marketing engagement, and 8+ years in social media content marketing. Within the advertising and marketing landscape she has supported brands such as: McDonald’s USA, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Verizon, Proctor & Gamble’s My Black Is Beautiful, Creme of Nature and Congo Square Theatre Company, and Rivendell Theatre Ensemble, among others.

She is proud to be a Chicago-born, Englewood community-raised individual, who is passionate about mentoring under-served and at-risk youth. She is also a founding member of the Englewood Arts Collective, which was formed to help produce artists, events and interactions that reflect the Englewood community of Chicago in a positive way. Under the persona of FoxBrownFox, she serves the film/theatre/arts community as a connector, publicist, and media consultant.